As we begin another school year, many new students will be taking on Biology– a class that the majority of freshmen take every year. Whether they like science or not, Biology is a class that helps new students adjust to the academic expectations at Concord Academy.

Biology focuses on six major topics: evolution, ecology, genetics, anatomy, cell function, and the chemistry of life. One of the highlights of this class is the fetal pig dissection in the anatomy unit, where students can apply the material they studied hands-on. Another highlight is the Running lab, where students collect data on respiratory function in relation to exercise – which in this case involves running around the quad. Students also create paper DNA strands in the genetics unit and do other crafty experiments in the cell function and chemistry of life units. Everybody will have much to learn, regardless of where their prior knowledge started.

Throughout the year, the class introduces skills that will improve the studying and writing habits of students. This includes writing lab reports, using computer simulations, handling data, and conducting research projects. Other skills are not as class-specific. Note-taking is very important in Biology– there are a lot of names and processes that have to be memorized. For example, a monosaccharide vs a disaccharide, or the different types of bonds created between atoms. Being able to take effective notes that can be utilized later is a huge asset when studying for tests or assignments in any class.

Biology is a class that will not only provide a thorough understanding of basic biology, but also teach many skills that will be valuable throughout each student’s academic career at CA. No matter where a student starts or how much they like science, Biology is a valuable course that will help them through their journey at CA.