On April 19, 2024, Concord Academy will host Music Cafe, an annual event celebrating the work of performing arts ensembles. Beginning at 8 p.m. and lasting two hours, groups such as Vocal Jazz and Pop Ensemble (VJP), Jazz Ensemble, and Advanced Jazz Ensemble will perform a selection of works from this year. The groups meet weekly on Music Mondays and during Wednesday Ensemble blocks and require an audition for entry. Students can be part of more than one group due to their staggered meeting times, allowing for lots of cross-participation.

The theme of this year’s Music Cafe is Brazilian Architecture, which will bring a green and airy feeling to the event. Zhaoyi Meng ’24 is a member of VJP and Advanced Jazz and serves as a leader in the performing arts community. He explained that the event was originally supposed to be greenhouse-themed; however, the idea of plants at the event was vetoed, leading to the current theme. It will echo similar ideas but with a more modernistic twist than a traditional greenhouse.

Discussing the event's music, Zhaoyi mentioned that attendees can expect a variety of Latin tunes from Advanced Jazz, including the salsa piece “Ven Morena” and the bossa nova tune, “Besame Mucho.” He is most excited for the VJP performance, a showing that features both singers and a live band: “I don’t want to spoil it too much, but it should be pretty energetic,” said Zhaoyi. Not one for suspense and secrecy, Andrew Wood-Sue Wing ’25 was willing to clarify the VJP repertoire. He explained, “I’m excited for VJP to cover some newer pop songs like ‘Salt in the Wound’ as well as some classics like ‘Everybody Wants to Rule the World.’”

This year, Music Cafe aligns with the Junior Class Lock-In and is preceded by a gelato bar from Dylan & Pete’s. Hopefully, these events will encourage students to stick around on campus to experience their classmates' performances and join in an overall celebration of the arts within the CA community.