Freshman year of high school is undoubtedly hectic, and adapting to an unfamiliar lifestyle can be both mentally and physically exhausting. Here are a few tips to facilitate the transition for incoming freshmen:

Explore your interests.

As basic as it sounds, allow your authentic passions to navigate the decisions you make. Whether considering academics, clubs, or sports, Concord Academy is a place to try new activities, learn new concepts, and determine where your interests lie. Try your best to disregard the anxieties that may be stopping you from immersing yourself in a potential interest.

Be present.

Whether you are listening to a lecture or spending time with your friends, be actively conscious of your surroundings and live in the moment. Being apprehensive of future events or feeling contrite about something that occurred in the past is futile—95 percent of it is not under your control. Instead, focus on engaging with the present.

Attend to your health.

The beginning of freshman year will be full of new faces, norms, and routines. Despite the myriad of changes, there is one constant: your body. It is crucial to get sufficient sleep and maintain a balanced diet during the transition to high school. Maintaining your health will provide you with enough energy and willpower to adeptly focus during class, socialize with your peers, and play the sports you enjoy.

Stay organized in all facets of life.

It is important to maintain order in your daily life, whether it’s the state of your bedroom, schedule, or backpack. Once you fall into the trap of disorganization, it is ten times more difficult to recover. Although the task of doing your weekly laundry or writing your homework in your daily planner may seem irksome, it will be worthwhile, as you will form stronger habits that will benefit you in the long run.

Reach out to upperclassmen and older peers for advice.

If reaching out to an adult for assistance feels difficult, feel free to ask the sophomores, juniors, and seniors who understand the challenges you are facing. They will be able to give you advice about studying, or navigating classes, clubs, or personal challenges.

Utilize the first semester's pass/fail system to its fullest potential.

Remind yourself that no one is expecting you to be flawless: that is why the pass/fail system exists. However, don’t think of it as an opportunity to slack off and excessively procrastinate. Utilize this 'safety net' to create and develop strong study habits and time management skills early on.

Know you will eventually find your people.

Do not take it to heart if the people you were friends with during orientation are not your best friends throughout your time at CA. Stick with people who authentically make you feel good about yourself as a friend and as a human being. Try to be kind to everyone around you, whether it is your peers, faculty or staff. Opening a door for someone or sharing a smile goes a long way.

Recognize the significance of solitude.

One advantage of attending a boarding school is that you are endlessly surrounded by people. As entertaining as that can be, some days, you need to take a moment to be by yourself. Do not be afraid to go on a solo walk through Concord or grab a snack from the Stu-Fac by yourself. It is important to take a moment to reflect and give yourself some leisure time to breathe.

Involve yourself in the traditions that make CA unique.

Acknowledge and appreciate all the traditions that make up CA. Whether it is daily chapel talks, roundtable discussions, or the freshman Pit, do not take anything for granted and relish every second you have in this community.

Hopefully, these tips offer some insight into navigating freshman year at CA. It will undeniably be difficult, but it will all fall into place in due time. Best of wishes for new CA students!