As the school year comes to a close, the Concord Academy All-School Council enthusiastically awaits new members. Amongst the leaders in student voice at CA are the heads of council: student head of school and student vice head of school. Next year, Malik Traore ’25 and Cam Levesque ’25 will be representing CA in those positions respectively.

Malik and Cam both won their elections uncontested. The lack of opposition does not say anything about Malik and Cam, however; the CA community is very excited about their leadership next year. Jacob Sobol ’25 remarked, “I think they are going to do a terrific job leading the school.”

Malik is no stranger to leadership at CA. Serving as class president of the Class of 2025 the past two years, he has gained crucial experience and received high praise from his classmates. “He listens to the needs of the people,” Jacob said. “He knows everyone and is friendly.” Malik himself also testified to this sentiment, saying, “Just come up to me with anything on your mind and I'll be sure to listen with open ears.”

Moreover, Malik has done significant work to improve the grade he leads. He organized raffles, bake sales, and events to raise a substantial budget for the Class of 2025. With the funds, Malik gives back to the class through a series of lotteries at class meetings, where numerous eleventh graders routinely walk away with gift cards or stuffed animals.

For the 2024-25 school year, Malik set a series of goals outlining what he wants to achieve, putting an emphasis on community, “My goals next year include hosting community events and gatherings that promote bonding and facilitate new connections among the student body,” Malik said.

Malik also mentioned various new initiatives he wants to integrate; this includes raising All-School Council’s presence on campus and increasing club-culture.

In spit of all these proposed changes, it all comes back to the people for Malik, “My favorite part about CA is probably tied between faculty, and boarding life,” Malik said. Thus, Malik hopes to strengthen CA’s foundational value, common trust. He said, “I hope to change our culture around common trust at CA. I think we tend to forget that common trust is a two-way street, meaning that we have to hold ourselves accountable to community standards in the same way we expect others to uphold them too.”

Like Malik, Cam has made meaningful contributions to the CA community, particularly through his work as a co-head of Q2 and Chameleons. Recently, Cam organized a movie screening of Bottoms on the quad in celebration of LGBTQIApril. As a leader, Cam is also accessible, “One thing that I want the entire school to know about me is that I want to be as approachable as possible. No matter what I am doing, you can always come up to me or email me if that works better,” Cam said.

Additionally, he commented on his love for CA’s culture, “My favorite part of CA are afternoons on the quad in the warm sun,” Cam said. “It highlights how special our community is.”

And as vice-head of school, he has several ideas for improvement, “There are small things that could be done easily and should already be done, such as getting period products in all the bathrooms on campus,” Cam said. “CA has a serious lack of community service and I think that stems from the idea that if [something] doesn't benefit the individual, then it is not important … It shouldn't be one-day service type activities, but rather a shift in the culture at CA.”

Perhaps most importantly, Malik and Cam are excited to work with each other. Both commented on the passion the other displays as a leader.

Malik and Cam will officially take over their roles next September; though, they will also work behind the scenes this summer to keep the CA community vibrant.